Open ye the gates that the righteous nation which keepeth the truth may enter in. Isaiah 26:2
That day I truly recognized God's love for me, my own inadequacies without Him and that His plan for all mankind far surpassed my meager ideas of justice. I handed over my life to Him on that day and have never looked back except to shudder at how great the darkness is in a world without the sacrifice of the Spotless Lamb of God. What I was experiencing was a move of God known as the 'Jesus Movement'. Young people especially were searching for something. The new libertinism of the 60's had resulted in lives wasted in dissolution,

Ned and his bros with dad 20 years ago

The Blind Painter: At Mass Art I considered making art the highest human activity and planned to make paintings that would speak to man's highest aspirations. Then as I traveled across the country in the back of a rattling pickup truck the scales fell from my eyes and I began to see my goal had been like building a
them all at once
a great surprise and our job as believers is to learn our
part and be ready to perform on cue.

Back in the 80's I published a newsletter by the same name so this is a continuation of that bold confession over Boston. I choose to see where God wants to take us and focus on God's redemptive plan. We serve a God who would not lose a single one of His beloved sheep. This is the Good News that Boston needs to hear. We have heard enough bad news from a compromised government and biased media infiltrated by people with an agenda hostile to the Kingdom of God. I will be reporting the good news and occasionally those things we need to pray about. If you would like to report please send it to GoodNewsBoston@gmail.com.
I've been wanting to start a blog for a long time and my son Ned has gotten it set up. It is so easy for the younger generation to navigate the blogosphere. Not so for me so bear with me while I go it alone.
Ned, our youngest son couldn't even stay 24 hours before heading west on the Mass Pike on his way to upstate NY where he has a summer internship. He attended a robot tournament before coming here but had to put a new fuel pump in his '94 Volvo to get here. He's going to return to school in Texas in a couple of weeks with a robot arena in the wayback and will be organizing a bot event at his college where he will be entering his senior year.

Chinese concert at Rivendell House in Medford