Don’t Give Up the Ship October 2012
I’m a little Tea Party short and stout.
Here is my computer, here is my mouth.
When I am overtaxed here me shout,
November 6th the radicals get kicked out!
In less than a month we will have a national election which will affirm or destroy the concept of America…it is that crucial. Yet where is the passion? Where are the lawn signs, stand outs or even bumper stickers? What moves the heart of the masses? You have to go outside Massachusetts to see evidence of an election because in general people have given up here in the Bay State.
Escape television and movies draw record numbers to the screen. Spin a yarn about supernatural power, aliens, vampires, zombies or urban Bravehearts and consumers are down the escape chute in a flash.
For decades our college students have been co-opted by the radical left’s Marxist agenda. A relatively small minority is running our great nation off a cliff morally and economically and there isn’t much time left before it is too late to preserve the traditional values.
On the streets of Cambridge and Somerville you can walk among zombies as they shuffle from Starbucks to Chipotle celebrating Octoberfest or Riverfest or some other excuse to party and revel in pagan gods, especially Bacchus. (A bit harsh but it was annoying today when we ran into a zombie /Octoberfest parade blocking off Mass Ave.)
Well this is the Last Hurrah for normal people, not just in locally but across this nation, to save the American Dream. It is not about a house with two cars in the garage, but about life and liberty for our children and grandchildren. It is do or die, America, pay no attention to that MSM lackey telling you Obama is a shoe in.
I just returned from a family reunion in Ohio. None of us are from the battleground state except our daughter-in-law whose parents graciously loaned us their condo on Lake Erie for our far flung family to get together for a week. Our first grandchild is just learning to talk and run…we missed the walking stage because she lives on the West Coast. She is tiny and vulnerable but very active and she had the rest of us dazzled as her pink-sneakered feet shuffled along to keep up with us as we all walked to the park or out for an ice cream after dinner. Reminiscent of how a baby elephant keeps up with the herd, and how elephants are fiercely loyal with long memories, we, her grandparents, parents, aunts and uncles would guard her with our lives. She is that compelling; at twenty months every thing she does fascinates us.
So for all our baby girls and yours we must join the fight to keep the American Dream alive. Our progeny must not end up in economic slavery, bound by socialism, a failed economy, fascism, burkas, diminitude or anything resembling Orwell’s 1984 nightmare. Let those who scoff at our values roll over, pull the covers over their heads and let the adults fight this one.
I learned at the Captain Oliver Hazard Perry Memorial National Park and Museum about the phrase “Don’t give up the Ship!” Perry a twenty-something naval novice pulled off a stunning victory against the Brits on Lake Erie and settled the question for the English and Canadians about our northern borders in 1812. Perry carried a handmade flag from his sinking ship to another brig which declared “Don’t give up the ship!”
Those words and that flag should be remembered and waived by patriots again in this dire hour.
Chris Noonan Funnell is a free-lance writer living in the Boston area. Her columns have appeared in the MetroWest Daily News, Israeli National News and others. October 7, 2012