Princess Sumerfall-Winterspring and the Fadoozla Machine

When I was growing up we watched Howdy Doody on TV. There was a fake Indian named Princess SummerFallWinterSpring. She wore dark face make-up because she was a fair skinned actress with blue eyes. She left the show suddenly promising she would one day come back but we in the peanut gallery are still waiting. I think Liz Warren has tapped into the Peanut Gallery's subconscious desire for the return of childhood. Grow up peanuts and get a real senator!
Hat tip to Factacular...
The Howdy Doody Show you remember?
Double Doody--Howdy Doody’s twin brother
Heidi Doody--Howdy Doody’s sister
Phineas T Bluster--The grumpy major
Hector Hancock--One of Phineas’ triplet brothers
Flub-A-Dub--Made of eight different animals
Dilly Dally--The carpenter
Cornelius Cobb--Ran the general store
John J Fadoozle--World’s Number One Private Eye
Bob Smith--Buffalo Bob Smith
Bob Keeshan--Clarabelle
Peanut Gallery--The audience
Doodyville--Fictional hometown of Howdy Doody
William Shatner--Temporarily played Ranger Bob
Cowabunga!--Chief Thundercloud’s yell
Puppet Playhouse--The original name of the Howdy Doody Show
Ta Ra Ra Boom Dee Ay--Melody of the Howdy Doody song
The Triple B Ranch--Forerunner to what became the Howdy Doody Show
Gabby Hayes--Guest host in 1954--Buffalo Bob suffered a heart attack
“Goodbye, kids”--Clarabelle’s only spoken words--She said it very softly to sign off the last show
Frank Paris--Designer of the original Howdy marionette
Dilly Dally--Wiggled his ears when frustrated
Electromindomizer--A machine that could read minds
Honkadoodle--A machine that translated Mother Goose honks into English
Robert Goulet--Played Timber Tom on the Canadian show
Robert Schmidt--Buffalo Bob Smith’s real name
Princess Summerfall Winterspring--Hailed from the fictional Tinka Tonka tribe