Congress has its Nancy Pelosi and Netanyahu has his Hillary Rodham Clinton. These liberated women are suited and high heel shod as they stomp where no women have stomped before; beyond the pale, beyond what my grandmother called the pink limit.
Fellow Progressives would agree, Nancy wields a mean mallet. The huge hammer with a history has been
She took the mother of all mallets and pulverized that glass ceiling.used before to decree the Welfare State is hereOut with the old and in with the new!
The grandmother who speaks with a little girl voice has taken buttonholing and arm twisting to a new level.
Third in line for the Presidency and according to Diane Sawyer the most powerful woman on the planet, Nancy, now seventy years old, plays hardball with the big boys. She took the mother of all mallets and pulverized that glass ceiling but unlike Hillary hardly got a hair out of place.
Nancy travels in style at great expense to the taxpayer. She even sends members of her family on private military flights burning her way through taxpayer dollars like there was no tomorrow.
In the tomorrow the Democrats just signed into being, our grandchildren will be standing in line for health, education and employment. She-who-must-be-obeyed has just pulled off the equivalent of the Brinks Robbery (adjusted for inflation) on each of our grandchildren. They will stand in long lines for what we have taken for granted, behind hoards of illegals which the Progeressives plan to usher to the front of the line with a sweep of their pens and slam of their gavels dispensing the get out of jail cards to lawbreakers whose vote they need to stay in office.
Who could resist those incentives to cross over the border?
Meanwhile, the IRS will have drilled into our offsprings lives so deep they will never know the giddy heights of freedom we American Dreamers once knew and frittered away watching TV when we should have been watching our wallets, borders and elected officials more closely.
While the ink was drying on the Health care Bill and Nancys cheeks glowed with the thrill of victory, opponents of the bill were painting a big red target on her back. wants to make sure this is her last hurrah.
The second part of the one-two punch is winding up as Obama lines up illegal immigrants who will be enabled to keep Obamunism in perpetuity, erasing the fear that opponents will vote them out in November and landing
I am not alone in suspecting [Hillary] harangued Ariel Sharon into a coma.a knock out punch on the American Way.
Meanwhile Hillary has other ideas though shes a bit out of the loop from her global travels. She, like her predecessor, Ms. Rice, who I am not alone in suspecting harangued Ariel Sharon into a coma, are enforcers who need no battle axes. They have forcefully conveyed the bad news to Israel that her best friend, America, in the name of peace, has betrayed her and insists the tiny state hand over East Jerusalem to pacify Israels enemies.
All twenty two Arab states surrounding Israel, have contrived claims to the Land made Holy by the G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the eternal capital city for His people.
Recently, while in Jerusalem, the bumbling veep, Joe Biden, stirred up a brouhaha about an Israeli announcement to build apartments in a Jerusalem suburb. How would Biden react if China suddenly pulled our loans and demanded we build no more new housing in America? only cinder block cells from now on, one per family!
Hillary had the chutzpah to make a 45 minute, blistering phone call to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu demanding Israel show a serious commitment to the peace process the anti-Semites have mapped out, a path that leads to the annihilation of the Jewish State and people.
Thank G-d for Bibi who was able to withstand the Harridan of State , reminding Hillary Jerusalem is not a settlement. Not only is it non-negotiable land belonging to Jews, it is holy ground to Christians who maintain the inerrancy of the Bible. Not only will it not be relinquished by these believers, it is intended to be the political capital of Israel once more. However the history is too complicated for this column.
The Jews giving up East Jerusalem makes about as much sense as Red Sox Nation giving up a quarter of Fenway Park to the New York Yankees.
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