Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Transgender  Transparency  
What is behind the push to embrace transgenderism? Is it not to force everyone who lives in unquestioning acceptance of their God-given gender identity to be as confused and tormented as those who live with extreme discomfort in their own skin?
Is it not that those who question God about His ability to be God as absurd as the clay pot critiquing the potter? They are dissatisfied with how they were made, too short, too bald, too hairy, too unattractive, too masculine, too feminine; where does this gender dysphoria end?
Our backslidden culture has toppled off its Judeo-Christian Foundation. It has become politically correct to question God and even his existence. The rebel says out of understandable bitterness and pain, “If you are a good God, why did you allow me to be molested and abandoned by the people who were supposed to take care of me? Surely a good God would not leave me in such a horrible situation, so I conclude you are either a cruel or ambivalent God and I must make my own decisions from here on out. Your rules and boundaries don’t apply in my domain.”
A compassionate society can relate to the cause of this pain and turmoil but not cave in to the illogical response to throw the baby out with the bath water. Both those who insist on mainstreaming perversion as well as those who persecute those with gender dysphoria are wrong.  We as a Commonwealth seek justice and protection and health for all people, however this bill known as the Bathroom Bill will force all of us to live in confusion and to wear a costume of compliance with a resentment that will result in greater friction and violence toward those who unjustly and selfishly force their fellow citizens into psychological contortions, extreme discomfort and anxiety for those women who have been abused to be confronted with males in their locker room or restroom.

Biology does occasionally make mistakes but even the genetic blooper is not God’s fault. The Creator of the original design but sin and selfishness have corrupted and degraded our DNA as the study of epigenetics now shows.

A compassionate society as our commonwealth aspires to be should support those who are confused but never conform to their confusion as the Bathroom Bill demands of the majority and even victimizes the most vulnerable. This is democracy run amuck and a tyrannical misuse of the law.  

To protect our most vulnerable citizens and children we must oppose HB 4253 (formerly HB 1577). 


Chris Noonan Funnell
May 11, 2016