Friday, July 30, 2021

The No Way in Hell bill in MA...S517

The terrors of the 9th of Av, the date in Jewish history when so many terrible events took place from the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem in 70 AD to the expulsion of the Jews from the Gaza strip as a peace offering that was returned with rockets raining down on neighbors in Sderot ever since 2005. I remember the time of mourning for the Orthodox Jews in Gush Katif.

Asymmetrical Warfare 7/18- 27/21

In case you haven't noticed we are at war and America is down for the count. I first saw this with my own eyes on September 11, 2001 when I watched in real time the passenger plane out of Boston aim for and crash into the second tower in NYC.

I spoke it out to my youngest son who happened to be home that day. He was having headaches every day as he transitioned to 9th grade from Christian School to public school. I kept getting calls from the school nurse that he wanted to come home and I was on the verge of telling her to tell him to “Tough it out.” in what ever language she though best to tell a kid he needs to suck it up. But I'm glad my momma's heart prevailed and I hopped in my Montero and drove the mile and a half on a beautiful fall morning, not a cloud in the clear blue sky. No one saw this attack coming which had been well planned by our enemies who have a hundred year strategy to take us down.

I had been watching The 700 Club and left the TV on while I briefly left to pick up our youngest son and the only one still living at home.

When I returned to the TV a whole new reality was unfolding. As the plane hit the building I knew this was no accident but an act of war.

America recoiled in horror but soon came together in a collective response...You killed our people...Prepare to die!

As the dust settled and the missing numbers made us numb with shock. Some people danced on the rooftops as they watched the billows of smoke rise from the two Trade Towers. They also gave out candy to children and danced in the streets in Muslim countries while we waited to see what President Bush the younger would do.

Meanwhile churches began having interdenominational meetings in school auditoriums. I remember going to the open mike and praying for the Jews who were not included. This was a terrible oversite revealing our ignorance of our Judaeo- Christian roots. Cars and pick-up trucks drove around displaying our stars and stripes and a renewed patriotism brought tears to our eyes as we sang anthems at gatherings.

I assembled colorful clippings in a large collage containing images of war and words of faith that our cause is just. How can things have changed so quickly over only two decades? It is clear we are under attack from without and within. Social media has cast conservatives as haters and politicians call us deplorables. Biased “Fact checkers” decide what the narrative should be and the media is complicit in gaslighting and constructing outright lies.


It is upside down world and patriots have lost due process and the justice system is broken and has become an instrument of intimidation.

Our future as a free nation is at stake and our grandchildren will not remember freedom if we don't put a halt to the downward spiral of democracy. Our votes are being stolen and there is no hope for our nation if the election process is not righted. The fresh air of freedom is polluted by enemies who despise us and our God. All this being said I believe we have had enough, the line has been crossed and we are on the road to redemption.

Time to unfurl our flags...Don't Give Up the Ship!


Monday, July 26, 2021

Char Rides Again

Charleen Davidson Rides Again                                                      May 19, 2015

Charleen rides a Harley with her long dark hair flowing in the wind. She’s wearing in a supple black leather Jacket and pants for protection and wears black engineer boots for kicking doors down or just kicking her 350 engine over. She has a strong core, legs and arms for lifting her bike up if she wipes out on a sandy turn.

Actually, Charleen is my alter ego, my twin, my un-hindered self. In 2015 after a really horrible year of financial disasters, betrayal by business partners and crowned my husband’s cancer diagnosis, I have come out on the other side stronger. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger and when people ask how I am I answer “If I were any better, I’d be twins!!

 Well, I just keep getting better and now she’s here…my twin, Char….deal with it.

She has an emblem on the back of her jacket a coiled yellow snake in 13 sections with the words “Don’t Tread on Me”. 


     The day the cardinal visited was the day JP died. There were many of them flying and tweeting as they flew faster than the eye and ear can follow in the morning when the first rays of dawn lighten the sky…just after it is darkest…the Call to prayer.

They flocked around the bird feeder filled with their favorite sunflower seeds which keep them healthy and returning during the winter months when snow covers the ground and clings to the branches making foraging difficult. A few smaller birds glean the smaller seeds that fall on the 2nd floor porch. All take turns at the feeder excited by the bright sunshine after the storm has passed and they come out to feast upon the black seeds favored by cardinals. The seed scatters under the feeder and on the porch rail. As I watched from the window just a few feet away they are getting used to me if I stay still. A male cardinal in his red plumage and crest peaked, cocked his head and looked right in my eye with his bright yellow eye. It was a riveting and most unusual exchange that I did not at first comprehend.

 Typically cardinals have black eyes. The eye that caught mine was yellow. Yellow/black snake. Yellow/black eye. Pondering for seven years.


Saturday, July 24, 2021



 Written May 25, 2020 but how much more applicable to 2021 graduates as we realize how deep the deep state goes and how cold the fingers of the CCP reaching into every aspect of our great nation.

Yet I am encouraged by activism from groups like Turning Point USA, in spite of the alarming inroads into politics, education,journalism, sports, entertainment, social media and even medicine by Marxist ideologues.

Dear High School Class of 2020                                              
Congratulations to the graduates of 2020 from a graduate of 1965 which was also a very strange year to graduate according to Dr. James Dobson, child psychologist and founder of Focus on the family.
How weird is this to finish off your 12 years of schooling with a world-wide so called Pandemic that cuts you off from your final semester and all the best parts of being a senior? Now that it's your turn they turn out the lights and send you off to cyber-space, digital land or Zoom land. So how do you like your free trial of Socialism?
I thought about digging out my yearbook, but there are too many spiders in my basement. Did you guys even get a yearbook? I was Art Editor of my yearbook for a couple of years running and I remember the flurry of activity to meet printing deadlines so maybe your yearbook is only digital?
When my middle son graduated from Grove City College a small but strongly religious Presbyterian school my husband and I went to PA for his graduation and I was so impressed by the parents and grandparents that attended I wrote up an essay entitled “In Loco Parentis”. If you didn't get exposed to Latin in school which I suspect, because Latin teachers were a dying breed teaching a dead language when I was in school, then you might think with some exposure to Spanish that this phrase has refers to your “ crazy parents”. Having gone through it three times myself when my darling boys went out of state to college, it is not easy to relinquish the care and feeding of the child you nurtured and protected like a she bear for 18 years to an institution of higher learning suddenly one day in fall. Especially with the track record academia has for turning freshman raised in a religious home into agnostics, atheists, budding socialists, Buddhists, environmentalists and vegetarians seemingly overnight.
I have a theory that the reason many of my generation is rabidly anti-Communism is that '65 was the year the epic film Dr. Zhivago came out and it showed the dramatic shift from private ownership to the state confiscating everything. Well off people were forced to share their homes with less fortunates which may sound like a good idea when you are 18 but to the average hard working capitalist, not so much. Maybe assigning the movie to incoming freshmen in college would go a long way to defeating the socialist agenda.
Besides taking prayer out of schools in 1963 they lowered the age of voting. Before 1971 the voting age used to be 21 when I was a youth but they lowered it to 18 with the argument that if you were old enough to go fight in a war you were old enough to vote. Actually a lot of 17 year-olds fought bravely and died in World War II but the world was a different place then and people grew up early.
Believe it or not the sexual revolution had only just started and abortion was not legal in most states. Unmarried couples did not live together before marriage and divorce was not common. All that changed rapidly around the year I graduated.
Subsequent generations have had relative calm until Sep 11, 2001 when our world changed forever and some of us realized we were at war, an undeclared war. You have grown up in wartime and it's all you've ever known. You have been groomed and indoctrinated for a New American Revolution to take America as we know it down from its high and lofty perch and replace it with a socialist Utopia where everyone has enough and no one has too much which may seem reasonable and quite just to an 18 year-old but scares the hell out of those of us who understand socialism and communism and have seen its failures and its murderous path in various experiments like the soviet Union, China, Cuba and Venezuela. Humanistic governance without God just substitutes God with false gods and tyrants and ultimately does not work. Margaret Thatcher former British Prime Minister said Socialism falls apart when you run out of other peoples money.
Other Brits have weighed in on the subject "If you're not liberal when you're young, you have no heart. If you're not conservative when you're older, you have no brain." Despite the writer's cautious use of "attributed" and "paraphrase," as said by Churchill but it seems to be agreed upon by more than one thinker including Edmund Burke.
That is why I think lowering the vote to 18 contributed to the demise of America and was part of a long range liberal strategy to “Fundamentally change America”. The public school system being a major cause as well.
(Public) “Education is a most powerful ally of humanism, and every public school is a school of humanism. What can the theistic Sunday School meeting once a week, and teaching only a fraction of the children, do to stem the tide of a five day program of Humanistic teachings?” Charles Francis Potter.
Rev. Dr. Charles Francis Potter (October 28, 1885 – October 4, 1962) was an American Unitarian minister, theologian, and author.
In 1923 and 1924, he became nationally known through a series of debates with Dr. John Roach Straton, a fundamentalist Christian. They were soon published in four volumes entitled The Battle Over the Bible, Evolution versus Creation, The Virgin Birth—Fact or Fiction? and Was Christ Both Man and God?
In 1925 he was adviser on the Bible to Clarence Darrow in his defense of John Thomas Scopes, a schoolteacher who was charged with teaching evolution in his classes. The story is told in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird.
Charles could have been a progenitor of Harry Potter which has had a great influence upon readers since 1997.
There have been eight Harry Potter movies but a movie that came out the year I graduated, 1965, had as much effect on me and perhaps my generation as the Harry potter series had on subsequent generations. That film is Dr. Zhivago and in spite of the tangled and adulterous relationships in the plot, which I have always found troubling, there is a powerful and moving depiction of Russia in the throes of revolution. The anarchy resulting in the annihilation of the Czar and his whole family show a truly traumatic time ushering in the Russian Revolution, ending the monarchy and after years of civil war replacing it with Communism and the creation of the Soviet Union. The dramatization of this era in the Dr. Zhivago film convinced me of the horrors of atheistic Communism and the futility of trying to govern men without God.
Even Ralph Waldo Emerson, American poet and non-traditional thinker in the 19th century opined “All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all the things I have not seen.”
I hope you will pick up a copy of Boris Pasternack's Dr. Zhivago or see the film before you vote in November.
Congratulations on your graduation Class of 2020! You have been given the gift of being born in an exceptional country that believes in freedom and inalienable rights given to all men and women by God. Go forth and keep this Constitutional Republic as the Founders so brilliantly designed it.



Thursday, July 22, 2021


RINO Romney Runs US into the Ground

Here is another  recirculated article . I have moved now to Ohio. Let's pray Mitt doesn't get any ideas.Everyone comments when I tell them I just moved from my native Boston MA to Ephraim, Utah…”That’s a big change!”
As a grandparent who wants to be near her children and grandchildren I embrace the changes but one thing I don’t embrace and that is having my former Massachusetts governor (2003-07) Mitt Romney screwing up this state the way he messed up Massachusetts. To be fair he seems like a nice man with a lovely family, however my praise stops there because niceness does not win the day.
I even voted for him for governor hoping he would be more conservative than his three Republican predecessors but alas after his four years in office we were left with Romneycare the prelude to Obamacare and Massachusetts became the first state to legalize Same Sex Marriage. 
As a delegate at the GOP Convention I felt abandoned and betrayed by the party I had switched to in 1980 because of their Pro-Life platform. Thanks to Mitt and his running mate Kerry Healey the Convention was awash in pink T-shirts with NOW slogans. The GOP had gone over to the dark side that year and I wore red duct tape on my mouth with the word “LIFE” to symbolize the silencing of the voices of the unborn.
It was also on Romney’s watch when same sex marriage was legalized and look how that turned out with the scandal forcing the MA Senate President Stanley Rosenberg to step down due to alleged sexual extortion by his husband,not to mention how the controversial ruling by compromised judges has gone viral.
It has not been easy herding these cats once they escaped but President Donald Trump has proven he was up to the task as he had nearly completely dismantling Obamacare and rousing the sleeping giant of Conservativism in “Flyover Country”.
But Romney, no fan of Trump, is part of the establishment who don’t want to relinquish power to the likes of Donald Trump. Romney is really part of the Resistance movement, a RINO (Republican in Name Only).
Mitt has a reputation for business but he proved his method for finding revenue is by raising existing fees and proposing new ones. In his first year in office, according to Boston radio personality, Howie Carr, Governor Romney raised $260 Million in fees plus $140 Million raised in extra revenue extracted from businesses, all in the name of “finding revenue” instead of stopping the runaway train of corruption and thieving on “Bacon Hill”.
He did nothing for the MA Republican Party beyond a photo op. 
Like the present Governor Charlie Baker, Romney was popular because he played along with special interest groups, maintained the status quo and gave the Democrats all they wanted. He is still up to his old tricks in his new position as senator in Utah...and now a national disgrace.
This "Bi-Partisan Infrastructure Bill which Romney supports  is going to ruin us and make paupers and slaves of our children.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

 Fish Fiasco and Amusements

We had a great time with the Colorado grandchildren at the Bay Days Carnival.
The parents bought the pkg deal for $20 for 24 tickets for rides including a Ferris wheel, a big slide, whirling strawberries you sit in with yourpeeps and calm little toddler rides and of course a carosel which went slow enough that I went with Jane age 10 and specifying we ride on the Palominos. I had a devil of a time trying to mount the thing while Jane held my bag and looked down sweetly from her tall blonde perch. They don't call them "amusements" for nothing. The ticket taker pointed out there was a pedal to step up on the other side and that saved my bacon from putting on a Lucille Ball performance for everyone.

.I declined going on any other rides having discovered I do not tolerate spinning very well. Luke, age 7, had one thing on his mind. The games, not the rides. They were cash only so Bappa took the boys to the booth and shelled out some cash and gave them all a portion of the 7 ping pong balls which when thrown and if they land in a very little fish bowl, a gold fish is the prize. Out of Jane, Luke and Jack, Luke got one in and went to collect his prize. After giving it some thought he offered it to Bappa to take care of since the car ride back to Colorado would be difficult for the hardiest of fishies. This was no feeder fish meant to be fed to bigger creatures but a fat little thing, white on the bottom and orange on top. We eventually decided to call her Lucy due to her flaming color.

We said our goodbyes to the Colorado contingent and to my surprise Lucy had already been brought home and Bappa found a suitable container which has also been used for Trifle desserts, a glass cylinder that has been in the past used to hold other short lived goldfish and our dear departed Froggie.  (You can find out what happened to Froggie on my

We did not have any fish food in the house so we made a shopping trip the next morning and Dave got an aeration system, extra line for air and air stones for diffusing air into the water as well.

Long story short we relocated the fish cylinder to the window. Later in the day I heard a funny noise while I was at my laptop. I should have gone to investigate. I might have saved Lucy. Hours later when we came home I went to look in her bowl and it was empty. Nada. Oh no, it happened again...We can only wonder was it suicide or was it the exhilaration of looking out the window or maybe she was missing her fish family?

I had to move some stuff before I saw her lying on the floor stiff as a board. David admitted he filled the bowl too close to the top, which is not an actual fish bowl but a cylinder which I have used more recently for Trifle after a thorough cleaning of course. Now I see why the fish bowl shape is shaped the way it is. Now that we have bought the food I feel like I want another fishy. Our phishtale is winding down. .Bappa went to see if the carni was s still there the next morning and if we could purchase another Lucy. They all looked the same. But alas they had left Bay Village which has statutes forbiding games of chance on Sunday.

Dave decided to pack up the fish pellets (Lucy only ate one) and the barely used aeration equipment and we took it back to Drug Mart for a cash refund. The refund covered the purchase of a big bottle of Jean Nate After Shower Spash which will always remind me of Lucy and the wild ride on the Palomino.

On the 4th we went to see the Bay Village fireworks which was nice but it lacked music which made it unsatisfying like the silent merry-go-round that Jane and I rode .I miss the Boston Pops and the 1812 Overture. Last July forth a cried my eyes out in Gunnison Utah to I Finally Made It to Arlington

I took pix of us on the Palominos and our encounter with Cinderella and another Disney princess with a bow. Sorry I am not up on my Disney princesses but Jane is and she knew it was Cinderella and the princes from Brave. I kept calling her the Frozen lady. Anyway we got pix but my camera is bitching about storage space. I

have to work on my editing skills. It is always something with these gadgets.